Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy
Hypnosis Works!!!!
If you think you could never relax enough for hypnosis to work for you, you may be the perfect candidate. Being anxious means that you have a very vivid mind that can make up a worst case scenario.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy have been proven to work in getting rid of bad habits and instilling new ways of looking at the world and new ways of living.
If you are motivated to change, whether it's to lose weight, quit smoking or dealing with any type of anxiety, relaxation, or sleep issues, you don't have to believe that hypnosis will work to have it work for you. You just need to be willing to go through the process.
Hypnosis circumvents the part of the brain that says, "There's no way this will help." It sneaks past the rational mind into the part of the brain that influences action
If you have found that you cannot seem to get past a problem rationally, call us and give our hypnosis programs a try.
Tammy Koolbeck is a Certified Advanced Clinical Hynotherapist certified with the NAADAC, NBCC, ICBCH. She is also certified in Basic Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Dave Koolbeck is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist certified by the NAADAC, NBCC, ICBCH. Both Tammy and Dave are available for hypnosis, hypnotherapy and neuro-linguistic programming by appointment.
We have had hundreds of successful stories associated with our hypnosis and NLP sessions. Call today to set up a life changing session.
Call 817-545-3371or email
koolsolutionscounseling@gmail.comtobegin your personalized service.